Parent Information
Important Dates for Your Calendar
January 15-20, 2024: First Week of Classes!
March 18-23, 2024: Spring Break. NO CLASSES this week. Our studio is CLOSED.
Friday, May 10th, 2024 5-8PM: Spring Student Showcase. Our studio is TRANSFORMED to display YOUR students’ artwork from this semester for friends/family. This is a FREE, public event meant to celebrate the hard work of our students, so we encourage you to invite any friends/family/colleagues/neighbors who are part of your community! More details to come later in the semester via EMAIL.
May 13-18, 2024: Last Week of Classes. We have one more week of classes after the showcase, so be sure to attend to pick up your students’ artwork AND the Encouragement Cards they received from the showcase.
You are welcome to stay in the lobby or leave and pick up your child at the end of class. Please come to the studio doors to pick up your students, or stand outside your vehicle so that you can watch your child cross the parking lot. Please observe how full our lobby is, as it is small and we don’t want to overcrowd students coming and going from class!
Guest Passes
Each student receives 2 guest passes for the semester to invite a friend/family member to attend a single class with them for FREE! *Please let us know ahead of time when you will be bringing a guest by filling out the Guest Pass Form at Please ensure that your artist’s guest is the appropriate age for the class they are attending. Guest passes are limited to 1 use (1 single class) per individual.
Supply Fee & Tuition
Our Spring 2024 Supply Fee of $199 is required when you register. This total covers all 17 weeks of the semester, and is required at registration because we purchase our supplies in bulk ahead of the semester. The Supply Fee is a once-per-semester cost that covers all materials used to create throughout the semester: paint, trays, canvases, brushes, clay, paper, pastels, etc.
We also have a monthly Tuition Payment in addition to the Supply Fee. This tuition payment is divided into 5 equal payments of $94 ($89 sibling or multi-class discount), which is calculated from the total cost of the semester. The Tuition payments cover the cost of teachers to instruct your student, a studio space for them to create, and our FREE to the public Student Showcase event at the end of each semester. Check the email you used to register for invoices sent by email every month on the 1st. The tuition payments are not determined by the number of classes in a calendar month or by how many classes are attended. *January’s invoice is due by your student’s first class and is optional at the time of registration.
Missed Classes
It is always our 1st priority to provide your student the best experience in class, and to help them complete their projects. We encourage you to try your best to attend your regularly scheduled class time - if you happen to miss a class, please plan to attend your NEXT regularly scheduled class time. However, we understand that life happens and we want to help your student complete their project. All of our Art Garage teachers care deeply about your students’ creative journeys, and we encourage our teachers to exercise their own creativity with teaching. We also place high value on creating teacher-student connections. We can’t “recreate” the class experience that they missed, but we can do our best to help them complete their project by:
Helping them catch up with the project at their next scheduled class (in some cases, having a partially made project ready for them to complete), OR;
Sending materials home and talking them through it if they miss a project day.
If you have a question that has not been answered on this page, feel free to send us an email at or using the form below. Thank you so much!
“Art is for EVERYONE, not just the elusive few who were ‘born with it’.” - Monica Foye, Owner and Founder of The Art Garage